Dajana and Ellen in Dublin 2005
Just to put a few pics online because I think some are quite nice, I'll process and fine-tune them ahm ... later :P, so check the above link for the complete picture album sometime later this week.
Nur kurz, um ein paar Bilder von heute online zu stellen, denn ich denke ein paar sind ganz nett geworden. Ich werde sie ...aehm, spaeter :P noch bearbeiten und fein-tunen, aber das passiert erst spaeter diese Woche.


Howth village

Sunset over Dublin bay

Ellen and Dajana posing for each other

My humble self


Howth Marina

Howth Lighthouse at nightfall

view towards Howth Westpier

Quay wall impression and Howth Lighthouse

West Pier again

...for a pint/wine/rock shandy
Yeah, you really should have been there with us! :) Next time, actually, we might be heading somewhere near the coast tonight, find a B&B and still til tomorrow afternoon. If you are free, we'd be heading to northerly waters and pick you up on the way there.
Just txt me, if you'd like to join in :P
And yeah, they probably are posing :)) - told you there's exceptions to the rule :D
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