Illiad's ( thoughts (and drawings) on Katrina
Illiad - the guy who draws has had quite an impact on the last 7 years of my life - I've been reading his daily comic strip ever since (-> see their slogan:" Impairing productivity since 1997"). As with so many tragic events during those recent years, Illiad always hit the nerve of his readers and fans - was it with sarcasm if M$ or $C0 f@)&34 up - or just the right sentimental thing when some catastrophe hit mankind. This is what he has to draw re/ Katrina:

So, yeah. That's another comic strip which pretty much reflects my mood right now. Blog you soon!
I don't really think this is about how hard the one or the other job is ... but you're right, he's shifting from "I want to help" to "They can't be helped".
There goes Cáit again, detecting the flaws of the world. Thank you (sarkasm tag missing for a reason).
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