Ahhhh - the head, the back, the throat and the ...age?
Back on duty - there are no words to describe how hard it was to get out of the kip this morning.
I had an INCREDIBLY GOOD birthday yesterday... after driving Dennis around (he injured his foot the night before at work) to the doctor's and pharmacy, we went shopping for the BBQ in the afternooon ... and even though many good friends failed to show up :-(
;) we managed to get six people alltogether and it all went fine - including the obligatory 5 minute rain that forced us back into the house.
We watched the match against France in the Donaghmede Inn and knocked back pint after pint. It was unreal. I guess everybody hated us for laughing and having fun while France shattered our world cup hopes - but we couldn't help it - we were just soooo drunk. Good birthday, bad soccer day.
I heard England was beaten too - but not by 'la grande nation' but by their very own and last colony in Europe :-P
Okay, pictures will be online later today, didn't manage to even copy them over to the laptop last night.
Ah well. GOOD TIMES!
And all of youse who didn't make it to the party yesterday will need to party with me before I go abroad for a year :P
this recovery must be taking its toll on you! Thought you said you'd have the photos up! :P
haha, text you today(yest.) cuz thought I might gete up to see you but went to the gig last night and I'm tired now after it (and it 02.38am) so I'll put it off until I don't know when.asap though.speak to you tomorrow
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