Saturday, September 10, 2005

Beautiful Kerry - lovely Southwest

So ... Friday morning 6am we went to Killarney/Kerry. Long drive, great landscapes, beautiful pics :)

off to the beach ... Dollymount Beach - Dublin

Here a few pics of a quick visit to Dollymount Beach Dublin on Thursday 08/09/2005.

Lot older, no wiser - 26 Jahre Schubi.

So, here eventually a best-of of my 26th birthday pictures. We spend the night in the Donaghmede Inn Pub and watched the match against France. Hillarious night.

Before we had a BBQ in the backyard with "some" beer :P.



Just came home from a veeeeerrrryyyy long drive down to Killarney and back up to Dublin again. My back's killing me and I couldn't wait to check my repeat exams results.

So I came home ... hooked up the laptop to the wireless network and ... "Exemptions Granted"????


What on earth does "Exemptions Granted" mean now? It meant "You failed two exams but are allowed to repeat them in autumn before we fail you for good" when I got my summer results in July.

I'd really like to know if I passed or failed or need to repeat in a years time ... Dear ITC, I appreciate the academic hocus pocus :-P but a bit more clarity every now and then ... ah well, if you can't beat them join them - I might just as well become a lecturer :-)

So, hope to put the pics of the last few days online tonight. ... But thats for another post to announce.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ahhhh - the head, the back, the throat and the ...age?

Back on duty - there are no words to describe how hard it was to get out of the kip this morning.

I had an INCREDIBLY GOOD birthday yesterday... after driving Dennis around (he injured his foot the night before at work) to the doctor's and pharmacy, we went shopping for the BBQ in the afternooon ... and even though many good friends failed to show up :-(
;) we managed to get six people alltogether and it all went fine - including the obligatory 5 minute rain that forced us back into the house.

We watched the match against France in the Donaghmede Inn and knocked back pint after pint. It was unreal. I guess everybody hated us for laughing and having fun while France shattered our world cup hopes - but we couldn't help it - we were just soooo drunk. Good birthday, bad soccer day.

I heard England was beaten too - but not by 'la grande nation' but by their very own and last colony in Europe :-P

Okay, pictures will be online later today, didn't manage to even copy them over to the laptop last night.

Ah well. GOOD TIMES!

And all of youse who didn't make it to the party yesterday will need to party with me before I go abroad for a year :P

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Dajana and Ellen in Dublin 2005

Just to put a few pics online because I think some are quite nice, I'll process and fine-tune them ahm ... later :P, so check the above link for the complete picture album sometime later this week.

Nur kurz, um ein paar Bilder von heute online zu stellen, denn ich denke ein paar sind ganz nett geworden. Ich werde sie ...aehm, spaeter :P noch bearbeiten und fein-tunen, aber das passiert erst spaeter diese Woche.


Howth village

Sunset over Dublin bay

Ellen and Dajana posing for each other

My humble self


Howth Marina

Howth Lighthouse at nightfall

view towards Howth Westpier

Quay wall impression and Howth Lighthouse

West Pier again

...for a pint/wine/rock shandy

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Illiad's ( thoughts (and drawings) on Katrina

Illiad - the guy who draws has had quite an impact on the last 7 years of my life - I've been reading his daily comic strip ever since (-> see their slogan:" Impairing productivity since 1997"). As with so many tragic events during those recent years, Illiad always hit the nerve of his readers and fans - was it with sarcasm if M$ or $C0 f@)&34 up - or just the right sentimental thing when some catastrophe hit mankind. This is what he has to draw re/ Katrina:

So, yeah. That's another comic strip which pretty much reflects my mood right now. Blog you soon!


Sorry to all intelligent beings on that island across the Irish Sea. But there's a number of Brits who manage to annoy the s**** out of me this morning. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Don't use computers if you don't have brains.

I'm fed up with taking their abuse. F#@+{}

Monday, September 05, 2005

This is the begin of the end ... Der Anfang vom Ende

Only an hour and my sister Dajana will arrive at DUB International. This is the begin of the end of my time in Ireland ... I'll not get rid of her in Ireland again - she'll go with my back to Germany on September 20. ;-)

Ah shit, ... the nostalgy really kicks in - I so wanna go for a pint with everyone before I leave, but this may be a time- and money- challenge. But hey, whoever is around on Wednesday 07 September, give me a ring, we're heading out for drinks and watchin the soccer match against France. We be cool to get a wee crowd together.

In ner Stunde hole ich meine Schwester Dajana vom Flughafen ab. Das ist der Anfang vom Ende meiner Zeit in Irland. Ich werd sie in Irland nicht mehr los werden - Dajana kommt mit mir zurueck nach Deutschland am 20. September.

Mist, das Heim(Fern?)weh setzt ein - Ich wuerde so gern mit jedem nochmal auf ein Pint gehen, aber das koennte zeitlich und finanziell ne Herausforderung werden. Hey, falls ihr am Mittwoch, 07. September in der Naehe seid, ruft mich an, wir gehen ins naechste Pub, trinken und gucken das Fussballspiel gegen Frankreich. Waere cool, wenn ein paar Leute zusammenkommen.